Astronauts Wanted NewFront 2017
Perhaps the most difficult audiences to capture are millennials. The rapidly changing media landscape means that they shift frequently between devices and formats, presenting a real challenge to publishers.
Astronauts Wanted focuses solely on youth content in their unconventional and unique methods of storytelling. When they felt ready to enter the NewFront marketplace to meet brands and advertisers they partnered with TF. High impact, low cost, cutting edge and fast paced were the directives, and TF delivered on all fronts.
From street level lobby registration to the supercharged 45 minute show to the rooftop post event reception, TF worked with the AW team to craft a theme, a show script and a strategy for a seamless and exhilarating experience that was high impact and highly captivating for a target audience of brands and agencies. On stage talent included individuals as young as Grace Van der Waal, as hip as Mamrie Hart and as familiar as Al Roker. In creating a compelling and exceptionally unique experience, TF is proud of their partnership with Astronauts Wanted as they launched their first NewFront event.
Summary of Services
Creative & Strategic Messaging
Production and Scenic Design
Presentation Design & Speaker Support
Event Management
Production Management
Technical Direction
Event Production Management
Crew and Labor Booking & Management
Vendor Procurement & Contracting