A Large Pharmaceutical Corporation Management Meeting 2012


Prior to being acquired in 2013, TF produced many sales meetings, management meetings, board meetings and special events for a multi-national pharmaceutical company. As a trusted partner for seven years, TF was challenged to create an extraordinary management meeting -  their final one - to explain the choices and opportunities the company faced in the near future.


The entire management team met at the Fairmont San Francisco for three days of meetings and workshops, and TF pulled out every stop to create a memorable and impactful meeting. The event featured a team building exercise utilizing an entire orchestra, a 5 city video-conference and a performance by the Blues Brothers. Presentations by research, sales, HR, and executive leadership were supported by an ultra wide LED wall. The creative elements and delivery embellishments generated an unforgettable and uniquely high powered event.

 Summary of Services

  • Production Management

  • Creative & Strategic Messaging

  • Production and Scenic Design

  • Presentation Design & Speaker Support